Grace in Daily Life

Lost in a book …

I couldn’t believe it, but only DAYS after I posted my, “Do you have any good book recommendations? It’s been years since I’ve LOST myself in a book …” blog, I completely lost myself in a book!

It’s true! I was flying cross-country again and I started reading Aunt Jane’s Hero by Elizabeth Prentiss and I simply couldn’t put it down.

It was wonderful!

Let me tempt you with just a few opening lines (I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it!) and encourage you to read this lovely tome:

“They were living to themselves: self, with its hopes, and promises, and dreams, still had hold of them; but the Lord began to fulfill their prayers.

They had asked for contrition, and He sent them sorrow; they had asked for purity, and He sent them thrilling anguish; they had asked to be meek, and He had broken their hearts; they had asked to be dead to the world, and he slew all their living hopes; they had asked to be made like unto Him, and He placed them in the furnace, sitting by “as a refiner of silver,” till they should reflect His image; they had asked to lay hold of His cross, and when He had reached it to them, it lacerated their hands

He is fulfilling to them his promise, “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.”

… Before, they had only heard of the mystery, but now they feel it.

Had they chosen for themselves, or their friends chosen for them, they would have chosen otherwise. They would have been brighter here, but less glorious in His kingdom … But He stayed them up, even against themselves.

… It was good for them to suffer here, for they shall regin hereafter–to bear the cross below, for they shall wear the crown above; and that not their will but His was done on them.”

I was hooked from the opening pages and I didn’t stop reading until all 300 pages were tucked away inside of my heart.

I worshipped God as I read. I was drawn more to Him. I was more grateful–for Christ, for my husband and daughter, for the opportunity to grow in grace in this life and be fully glorified in the next.


Fred is going to read this book because I asked him to. (What a good guy!) He also read another book by this author (Stepping Heavenward) way back 11 years ago when we first married (also because I asked him to).

I guess this is the question I am wondering today (maybe another book idea?) … What does it mean to live with the HEART of “Stepping Heavenward” and “Aunt Jane’s Hero” in this day and age?

I know it’s not about wearing clothes reminiscent of the 1800’s (although a huge step towards modesty among Christian women would ONLY be a gain for EVERYONE in the world AND for the cause of Christ!). And we shan’t be going back to horse-drawn carriages any time soon (gas prices notwithstanding).

SO … what does it mean to develop piety as a JD/MBA who flies 75,000 miles/year and yet counts my role as wife and mother the greatest mission I have in this life?

How are we called — this day! — to be charitable? Hospitable?
To live simply and generously and kindly?

Hmmmmmmmmmm …. I wonder …. I wonder …..
Please let me know what you think!

For now, I’m off into my day!

Joy to you!
— Tara B.