
Just Let It GO! (Oh my ….)

Chris Brauns is guest posting over at TakeYourVitaminZ and his post is worth the read:

Have You Ever Made a Big Deal Out Of Something That Wasn’t a Big Deal? Read this post. It might help you to drop stuff in the future.

We’re doing OK here. Kind of a long night, but today’s a new day!

Great news: The vet said that Lili did not decline further in the night. They’re going to keep her on fluids and gradually introduce foods and see how she does.

This morning Soph and I wrestled through subdividing some complex rhythms in a violin piece. Like so many musicians, she plays very well by ear, but understanding—truly understanding—the math underneath the notes? That takes lots o’ hard work. But oh! It sure feels great when you GET IT and don’t have to wander through that mire of “just guessing” but never feeling very secure.


Anything worth doing takes effort, that’s for sure.

Hope your Wednesday is a blessed one!

Tara B.