Redeeming Church Conflicts

Do All Pastors Need to be Administrators / Organizers?

Hmmmmm … interesting post by Chris Brauns (currently guest posting over at TakeYourVitaminZ):

Do All Leaders in the Local Church Need to Be Gifted Administrators/Organizers?

The answer may surprise you. It did, me.

But upon further reflection, especially thinking through the various church conflicts I’ve either been involved with or assisted with, I have to say, “Yes. That’s right.” (How many church splits can trace their initial trajectory to a miscommunication / someone dropping the ball and really hurting someone by letting them down / leaders who scare their sheep by not keeping them informed, etc.)


Plus, this highlights yet another wonderful practical reason for learning to enjoy—and benefit from—each other’s gifts in the Body. Not everyone is the organized / administrative / speadsheet lovin’ / office supply addict BIG TOE. But you lovely relational / happy / random / creative / big picture lovin’ EAR LOBES would sure be wise to get to know and learn to love some toes (rather than writing them off as “unrelational” and “cold.”) Ditto for the toes, though, eh? How boring and lacking in color / spontaneity / creativity / FUN our churches would be if everyone were perfectly on time, checklisted, and filed away in some hanging file folder. Efficient, yes. But not very loving. And not usually a lot of fun. So we have a duty to RELAX, slow down, stop DOING and just BE—a friend, a helper, a grateful observer (not a critic making everything “better” and more efficient).

Where do you fall on the spectrum? How are you learning to accommodate for your weaknesses? Are you able to enjoy the way that God has made other children who are unlike you? He surely enjoys them. We should too.