Relationships & Peacemaking

Good Point

The other day I was encouraging a friend who was struggling to be even moderately respectful to a certain person. Normally, this friend is cheerful, warm, gracious, and friendly—even to annoying people. (In fact, she was the person who taught me the phrase, ‘Don’t let stupid people make you stupid.’ That is—let it go. Don’t even burn any minutes off of your life by hyper-adrenalating your heart with the emotions of anger or frustration.)

But this ONE person REALLY BUGGED HER. I am a LOT.

So there I was reminding her of the very things SHE had taught me over the years—but she was still stuck.

And then she said to me, ‘You know, Tara, how about if I have a kind heart toward Frank (not his real name) when YOU have a kind heart toward Mary” (not her real name—but a very real person who consistently causes me very real pain and suffering every time I have to be in the same room with her).

 And, ‘Oh, yeah, right. Good point.’

Aren’t there just some people that are really hard to get along with?
Oh, that God would give us the grace to persevere in doing good—especially when it is very, very hard.