Sin & Repentance


The first session of my new “Titus 2 in a 21st Century World” retreat is entitled, ““But I thought I was the only one …” We discuss many things in that session, including guilty pleasures, shame, and envy. So I was particularly blessed to discover that Tim Challies is writing an in-depth series on the topic of envy. I encourage you to check it out! Here are links to the first two installments:

1. The Lost Sin of Envy

2. How Envy Behaves

And just to remind those of you who were at our retreat last weekend in Texas, I was sorely convicted of an envious heart after reading C. Plantinga’s breviary on the doctrine of sin: Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be. In the chapter on envy, Dr. Plantinga explains that:

– Envy is an ugly sin and a motive for ugly sins.

– The components of envy are: 1) We crave something; 2) We see that others have it; 3) We want what they have; and 4) We don’t want them to have it.


– The fruits of envy are: discontentment, dissatisfaction, ungratefulness, irritability, resentment, grumbling, backbiting, and anger.

– ‘Wherever we find envy, we find the wreckage of human and Christian community.’

– ‘Love does not envy.’ 1 Corinthians 13:4

Much to think about there! Hope you enjoy both the Challies series and the Plantinga book. It is excellent—deep, but readable.