
Elyse Fitzpatrick Endorsed My Video Series!

Wow! What an encouraging email I received today from one of my favorite authors, Elyse Fitzpatrick.

She has reviewed my video series (The Peacemaking Church Women’s Study–Living the Gospel in Relationships) and endorsed it! What a grace.

Here is what Elyse wrote:

“It’s with overwhelming joy that I can highly recommend ‘Living the Gospel in Relationships’ from Tara Barthel and Peacemaker Ministries. I am recommending these teaching sessions not only because they beautifully avoid the moralistic strategies so common in our me-centered churches but because she connects our struggle for peace to the only source of peace, the one who is called the Prince of Peace. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not only for new believers. It’s for every one of us who longs to love our neighbor and yet falls so short everyday. Only when my love for others is motivated and impelled by responsive love for Christ can I say that I’m loving as he loves. And only the gospel makes me do that. Thanks, Tara, for reminding me again. We love because he first loved us.”
–Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author of ‘Comforts from the Cross: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time’


(Just when I was tempted to think, “What am I DOING even TRYING to serve/encourage women with my tiny little efforts at speaking events, through my writing, or on this blog?! Maybe it’s time to get OUT of the biz entirely …” And then such an encouraging note arrives. Maybe I’ll keep trying for a little while longer, eh? 🙂 )

Hope you’re all having a lovely week–

Tara B.