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    Too Beautiful a Day to Be Inside

    I had an early morning doctor appointment and driving home with all of the windows down, I thought too myself: “This is just TOO beautiful a day to stay inside!” So our school morning quickly became a park morning—and we just happened to bump into friends who were thinking the same thing too:   Mmmmmmm! Hope your Monday is going well too. Yours, Tara B.  

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    Please Join us at AmazingGrace360! (in-person or via LiveBlog)

    Now that my time serving in Ohio has come to a close (missing you already, Ohio women!), my heart is excited (and a little nervous!) that AmazingGrace360 week is upon us. If you will be with us in Atlanta, or if you’d like to participate in real time at a distance, I’ll be LiveBlogging all of the general sessions here: PCA LiveBlogs And I’ll be tweeting from the conference at #ag360: AmazingGrace360 Twitterings Hope to see you in Atlanta or on the LiveBlog!   Gratefully, Tara B. PS I would be ever so grateful if you might please keep everyone serving (and being served!) at AmazingGrace360 in your prayers this…

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    Hope for Distressed Believers

    “Are you a distressed believer? Is your heart pressed down with sickness, tried with disappointments, overburdened with cares? To you I say this day, ‘Behold the cross of Christ.’ Think whose hand it is that chastens you; think whose hand is measuring to you the cup of bitterness which you are now drinking. It is the hand of Him who was crucified! It is the same hand which, in love to your soul, was nailed to the accursed tree. Surely that thought should comfort and hearten you.  Surely you should say to yourself, ‘A crucified Savior will never lay upon me anything that is not for my good. It must…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Hope as You Trust in Him

    Fred said that Nancy Guthrie’s keynote was his favorite one from the Peacemaker Conference—so that’s a ringing endorsement if you ask me! (‘Course, I think pretty highly of my hubby.) Here it is for you to enjoy (and learn from and be encouraged by—man! that’s a lot of phrases ending with a preposition, my AP English teacher, Dr. Charmian Poe, would not be pleased …): Hope as You Trust in Him    

  • PCA LiveBlogs

    LiveBlogs from the PCA Amazing Grace 360 Conference

    If you can get to Atlanta October 7-9, I would love to see you at the PCA Women’s Conference AmazingGrace360. But even if you can’t be there in person, you can follow the general sessions (and even join in the conversation!) by participating in the LiveBlogs: (If you have no idea what a LiveBlog is, you can see what they are like by clicking through the “replays” of the CCEF LiveBlogs and PCA LiveBlogs I’ve done in the past.) Oh! And if you are in Atlanta and see me LiveBlogging, I’d love for you to stop by and say hello. If you’d like, I can even include your photo on…

  • PCA LiveBlogs

    Hello to All of My AmazingGrace360 Friends!

    How super fun! Within minutes of Kathy Wargo sending out my email greetings to the women signed up for my workshops and seminars at AmazingGrace360, I’m already receiving FaceBook friend invites, Twitter followers, and emails (!). I am so happy to meet you all and I can’t wait for Atlanta. Can you believe it’s NEXT week? Crazy! Right now, I’m actually working on trimming my testimony for the second General Session. I must have it between 8 and 10 minutes and I’m having a very hard time hitting that mark. (As my pastor likes to gently poke at me, “With Tara? Why 5 words when 500 will do?” 🙂 )…

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    Orlando Adventures Day 2

    My sister just posted two pics from her Android to Facebook and I have to say … one of these days I really might get a phone that isn’t just a phone. Those things are SO COOL! Last night I even typed on an Iphone for the first time when Mrs. Seavey was driving us home from our GIRLS’ NIGHT. It was in response to PASTOR Seavey and even I could figure out how to do it. What I couldn’t figure out, however, was how those itty-bitty-little keys knew which key my giant finger was going for. Super smart phone! Like Star Trek Magic or something. (Oh! And do you…