
Please Join us at AmazingGrace360! (in-person or via LiveBlog)

Now that my time serving in Ohio has come to a close (missing you already, Ohio women!), my heart is excited (and a little nervous!) that AmazingGrace360 week is upon us.

If you will be with us in Atlanta, or if you’d like to participate in real time at a distance, I’ll be LiveBlogging all of the general sessions here:

PCA LiveBlogs

And I’ll be tweeting from the conference at #ag360:

AmazingGrace360 Twitterings

Hope to see you in Atlanta or on the LiveBlog!


Tara B.

I would be ever so grateful if you might please keep everyone serving (and being served!) at AmazingGrace360 in your prayers this week. I am officially at that “I can’t believe they asked me to serve in this way! Why oh why did they ask me? There are hundreds and hundreds of people who would do a MUCH BETTER JOB than me. Oh oh oh! There is absolutely NO WAY I can do this well!” stage of prepping my new material.

Fred assures me that I go through this stage EVERY time I prepare new content and that I WILL survive it and get through it as I finish prepping and then strive to do my very best at the actual event. But right now? I am tempted to fear and despair. Oh! That I would trust in God and lean not on my own understanding. In my weakness (GREAT weakness), He is my strength. And my only hope! Thanks for your prayers, friends. Much love—tkb