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    Medical Results

    See … I knew it would be this … or, well, I had a pretty good feeling it would … Diagnosis? FUO. Fever of unknown origin. Hooray for a contrast CT that is healthy and normal! I’m sure a lot of people would love to be able to say those words. But off to Europe go I with a seven year-old and a fever of 101+. Hmmmmm. I wonder what lesson I am going to be learning as this drags on? And just how will God use this to draw me closer to Him? I don’t understand the means but I trust in the end. So THANKS for all of…

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    Kindle — WOW! And God’s thoughts concerning us — DOUBLE WOW!

    I just finished loading a bunch of books onto our family’s new Kindle and can I just say, “WOW!” It’s amazing how easy it is to grab classic after classic. I can’t imagine what this tool must be like for missionary families … you can bring along an entire library in one tiny little leather-covered-package. Amazing. (I know. I know. I’m very behind the times with technology. It’s true! You can laugh at how slow I am. I don’t mind. I laugh at myself. 🙂 ) I’d appreciate your prayers today as I have to (have to!) finalize my speaker notes for my retreat this week. (Haven’t I been saying…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Scariest Part of the 4 G’s??

    I’m trying to “finalize” (hah! does that ever REALLY happen for an extemporaneous speaker like me?) my speaker notes for the biblical peacemaking session of my new fear retreat (“This Relationship Stresses Me Out!”) and I was curious as to what YOU would say are the SCARIEST aspects of each of The Four G’s. You know … what are you afraid of when it comes to glorifying God in a conflict? Confessing your part of a conflict? Confronting someone else? Forgiving the person who has wronged you? I have my ideas of course, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. What stresses you out about peacemaking? (As always, feel free…

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    Our Fears and the Immanuel Promise

    I would so appreciate your prayers today as I am working all day long to (hopefully) finalize my speaker notes for my new women’s retreat on FEAR. Nothing like studying, praying, and writing on fear to tempt me to be very, very afraid. So this morning as I jump in, I’m claiming the first lesson in Session 2 … Our Fears and the Immanuel Promise: God has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ Hebrews 13:5-6 Oh, Lord, Your Word is true. I believe! Please help my unbelief.…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Distinguishing Marks of a Quarrelsome Person (by Kevin DeYoung)

    Kevin DeYoung has a great post up right now that is convicting, but helpful too: Distinguishing Marks of a Quarrelsome Person I won’t restate his entire post, but will instead encourage you to click through and read it for yourself. Here are a few of the “distinguishing marks” he mentions, though: – You defend every conviction with the same degree of intensity. You don’t talk about secondary issues, because there are no secondary issues. – You are quick to speak and slow to listen. You rarely ask questions and when you do it is to accuse or to continue prosecuting your case. You are not looking to learn, you are…

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    Organizing the Heart (and the Home)

    I trust all of Challies’ recommendations and so far, everything I’ve read from his new publishing firm (Cruciform Press) has been excellent, so I’m happy to recommend their new title (and hopefully acquire a copy for myself too!): The Organized Heart by Staci Eastin One of my favorite people in the world, Carolyn McCulley, wrote an endorsement that seems to capture the heart of it well: ‘Staci Eastin packs a punch with this short book. But it’s a gracious punch, full of insights about our disorganized hearts and lives, which is immediately followed by the balm of gospel-shaped hopes. It is ideally crafted for use with accountability partners and small…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Skills Need to be Acquired When People are Usually Least Able to Take in New Information …

    “Mastery in the emotional domain is especially difficult because skills need to be acquired when people are usually least able to take in new information and learn new habits of response—when they are upset. Coaching in these moments helps. Anyone—an adult or fifth grader—needs some help being a self-observer when they’re so upset. Your heart is pounding,  your hands are sweaty, you’re jittery, and you’re trying to listen clearly while keeping your own self-control to get through it without screaming, blaming, or clamming up in defensiveness.’ Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman (Another great reason to host a Peacemaker Ministries’ conflict coaching and mediation training event at your church or ministry,…

  • Grace in Daily Life

    You and I are Different

    I had one of my “unprepared for a speaking event” dreams last night—I’m sure in part because I am serving at a staff meeting for our local crisis pregnancy center next week and in part because the inaugural launch of my new women’s retreat on fear is coming up very soon. These dreams are really something else. Extremely stressful and embarrassing while I’m going through them, but kind of funny in hindsight once I wake up and (WHEW!) realize they were only dreams. (Thank. God. Thank. You. God!) To scratch one of the to-do’s off of my subconscious worry wort area, I decided to use my early morning time to…

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    Today I was so tired that I laid down and took a twenty minute nap. Can you imagine? It was so great. I really should try to do that more often … Oh, and Ron & Judy Ten Harmsel just left after a nummy meal and a fun time on Wii. Aunt Judy beat ALL of the records on the ski jump. Next visit, we’re going Wii-free, though, because the men are gearing up to take each other down in a take-no-prisoners-not-for-the-weak-at-heart game o’ SCRABBLE.   Thanking God for grace for another day— And for friends. G’nite, Tara B.  

  • PCA LiveBlogs

    Miss Jane, I love you! And I’m praying for you too.

    What a joy and privilege it was to serve at the PCA Women’s Ministry Leadership Training! My time there totally made me long for AmazingGrace360 (can’t wait!) and, well … Heaven. That’s what sweet fellowship, God-centered teaching, and Christ-exalting worship does to me; it makes me long for Home. It also makes me grateful for the foretastes of Heaven that I experience every day. And one of those comes in a petite package by the name of Patete. Yes, Miss Jane, you are a true evidence of God’s grace to me. Your lavish love, patient care, and wise counsel has been a tremendous gift to me for almost a decade…