• Relationships & Peacemaking

    Andrew Selle on Friendship

    A friend of mine (and a wonderful Christian conciliator and professional counselor), Dr. Andrew Selle once shared with me a few brief thoughts on friendship, ideas that he adapted from his friend Joanie Doe (a pastor’s wife in Virginia). He actually had another page of material on the topic that he gave me, but for now I will share just a few lines with you with the hope that we all might be thinking about how we can grow even more God-honoring, gospel-proclaiming, REAL friendships today: What is a friend like? – CONSISTENT: You are there for your friend. Consistency which is borne out of commitment. – HONEST: You are honest…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Those Who Lack Friends

    David Powlison: ‘Those who lack friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts….This communicating of a man’s self to his friends works two contrary effects; for it redoubles joys and cuts griefs in half.’ (Francis Bacon, ‘Of Friendship,’ 1625) A former pastor of mine often reminded us of these truths and called us to genuine, authentic friendship (the “one anothering” of Scripture).  I am praying that even today I will BE a friend and GROW even just one or two friendships a little more in grace and intimacy. For it really is not good to be alone. Blessings on your Tuesday! Yours, Tara B. 

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Leaders as Peacemakers

    We just finished our afternoon peacemaking training and we’re about to start the marriage retreat. What a JOY it was to spend time with the leadership of this church! What an honor. Their love for God and the Church–and their interest in biblical peacemaking reminded me of this article by Ajith Fernando. Hope you enjoy! Yours, Tara B. ———- LEADERS AS IN-HOUSE PEACEMAKERS by Ajith Fernando I have found that one of the most important roles of leaders is to be “in-house peacemakers,” that is, to lead in solving unity problems within the group they lead. This priority is seen in the high priestly prayer of Jesus when he prayed…

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    Thank You, Pastor Anyabwile!

    Wow! What an encouragement. I was clicking through to check in on my favorite bloggers and look what I found! Something I’m Hoping to See the Ladies of FBC Use Pastor Anyabwile is such a churchman! I am humbled and honored by his post. (But also a little nervous–I hope that his wife and he LIKE the series! 😉 )   Soph’s cold is getting worse, so we’re staying tucked under blankets all day long. What a grace to be home AND to have a Golden who likes to cuddle too. Blessings! — Tara B.  

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    Special Needs Ministry and The Church

    I attended a wonderful workshop on special needs ministry and the church and I hope to share my notes with you one of these days (if I can pull myself together!). But in the interim, I encourage you to click to this website and SCROLL DOWN to the bottom of the page and watch one of the videos. (One is 10 minutes long and the other is 20.) They are professionally made and well worth your time! Hope you enjoy– And hope they might encourage you to think even more intentionally about how your church might integrated people with disabilities more purposefully into the life of your church.   Sending…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Persevering with Grace When Our Leaders Let Us Down

    Well … I tried my best to present a new teaching this afternoon in a sensitive, biblically-faithful, honest, gospel-focused way: Persevering with Grace When our Leaders Let Us Down: As wonderful as headship is (and it is wonderful!), our leaders are not perfect. No matter how hard they try, their leadership of us will always be flawed. They may misunderstand us, take offense at something we do or say, or simply not like our personality. In their fallenness and sin, they may actually wrong us intentionally. Often, they hurt us most deeply by their neglect—they fail to give us the proactive attention and care we long for. So how do…

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    Elyse Fitzpatrick Endorsed My Video Series!

    Wow! What an encouraging email I received today from one of my favorite authors, Elyse Fitzpatrick. She has reviewed my video series (The Peacemaking Church Women’s Study–Living the Gospel in Relationships) and endorsed it! What a grace. Here is what Elyse wrote: “It’s with overwhelming joy that I can highly recommend ‘Living the Gospel in Relationships’ from Tara Barthel and Peacemaker Ministries. I am recommending these teaching sessions not only because they beautifully avoid the moralistic strategies so common in our me-centered churches but because she connects our struggle for peace to the only source of peace, the one who is called the Prince of Peace. The gospel of Jesus…