• Grace in Daily Life

    A Comment on My “Big Questions” Post

    Do you remember my previous post on “big life questions for the Barthel family” like why are we here; where are we going; what is God calling us to do; is it time to move or should we stay where we are, etc. etc.? Well, I received a number of personal notes in response, but one of them had some thoughts and ideas that I thought you might find particularly interesting/helpful, so I’ve copied them here. I’d love to hear your thoughts too. 🙂 Hope you enjoy! Yours, Tara B. From TS: “Wow. . .considering big changes (maybe)? I started to respond in the comments, but it was getting ridiculously…

  • Grace in Daily Life

    Ajith Fernando Reflects on 30 Years of Ministry

    If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly read many an entry inspired by one of my favorite authors and theologians: Ajith Fernando of Youth for Christ Sri Lanka. (If you do not know this man or prayerfully support his ministry, I urge you to do so! He truly is a hero of the faith.) Recently, his supporters received a wonderful letter that he wrote reflecting on his 30th anniversary with Youth for Christ. I would copy the entire letter here except that I think it would be a tad unwieldy because of the length. So here are a few excerpts from the fourteen points he…

  • Sin & Repentance

    (Comment on) “Good Point!”

    I recently heard from Emily in a comment on my previous post (“Good Point!”) and thought that you all might enjoy reading our exchange too. From Emily: “It’s me again! This entry hit home for me this morning. I am struggling with a person in exactly the same way–and this person is NOT someone whom I can avoid. Argh. It is a daily battle for me to think kind thoughts toward this person, and to pray blessings on this person. I actually find myself wanting God to mete out justice, and punish this person! My heart is so deceitful. Right now, I keep asking God, “Do I have to enjoy…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Good Point

    The other day I was encouraging a friend who was struggling to be even moderately respectful to a certain person. Normally, this friend is cheerful, warm, gracious, and friendly—even to annoying people. (In fact, she was the person who taught me the phrase, ‘Don’t let stupid people make you stupid.’ That is—let it go. Don’t even burn any minutes off of your life by hyper-adrenalating your heart with the emotions of anger or frustration.) But this ONE person REALLY BUGGED HER. I am a LOT. So there I was reminding her of the very things SHE had taught me over the years—but she was still stuck. And then she said…

  • Uncategorized

    Dr. Nichols’ ‘Heaven on Earth’

    Well, I just started the latest book by Dr. Stephen J. Nichols: ‘Heaven on Earth: Capturing Jonathan Edwards’s Vision of Living in Between.’ So far, it’s fantastic! Just like the book I recently raved about (‘How People Change’), this book is a great reminder of just how far we have to go in learning, ‘how to live in between our coming to Christ and our going home to heaven.’ I could very much relate to his descriptions of both those of us who ‘live in monasteries of [our] own making, safe within the shelter of its walls’ (i.e., our heavenward focus ‘distracts us from the path that is before us…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Dr. Doriani on Discipline

    In his book, ‘The Life of a God-Made Man,’ Dr. Dan Doriani says this: ‘Discipline is the process in which bigger sinners attempt to convince little sinners to mend their wicked ways.’ I’m thinking about this quote a lot now as I read over the surveys that continue to come in and I learn how most churches do not practice church discipline; and how those that do are all-too-often quite harsh and condemning (rather than redemptive) in their discipline. I also think about Dr. Doriani’s teaching as I discipline Sophia (my two and a half year old). I always THOUGHT that I would ‘never’ say anything like, ‘WHY did you…

  • Sin & Repentance

    FLASHBACK And frustration over my similar response.)

    This week, as I was checking my boss and me into our hotel, I had the strangest déjà vu experience. It was like I was back in 2000 checking my (then) boss and me into our hotel … and the same stupid thing happened: The hotel got pretty much everything wrong with the reservation. (We were supposed to have club level king non-smoking rooms and we were being put into rooms with double beds and they even tried to foist SMOKING rooms on us! We were supposed to be able to check-in at 4:00 and it was already 6:30 and we were being told that our rooms wouldn’t be available…

  • Grace in Daily Life

    Not being a terror …

    I recently read a short column in a magazine that reflected on a certain well-known Christian who writes and says quite ‘barbed’ criticisms of people. Thinking back on how I used to be very mean-spirited and critical myself, I was particularly struck by the closing quote in this article. Apparently, Pastor John Robinson (pastor to the Pilgrims) was ‘saddened when he heard that Miles Standish had attacked and killed some Indians.’ Quoting Robinson’s letter to Gov. Bradford: ‘You say they deserved it. I grant it, but … it is a thing more glorious in men’s eyes, than pleasing in God’s or convenient for Christians, to be a terror to poor…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    THANK YOU for taking care of us …

    Yesterday at the gym, I saw a young man working out incredibly hard. He had muscles upon muscles but not in that (I think sort of strange) way that ‘body builders’ do … he was just INCREDIBLY strong. Normally, I would assume that he is just really into fitness; or maybe he is (sadly) caught up in the worldliness of trying to attract women merely for sexual conquests. But this guy was different. Why? Because he was wearing a USMC t-shirt. (That’s United States Marine Corps in case you are unaware.) And although I could be wrong, I made the assumption that he was working out so amazingly hard because…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Joel Belz on ‘Tender Toughness’ …

    In a recent issue of World Magazine (do you subscribe yet? It’s fantastic!), Joel Belz had a fantastic column on ‘Tender Toughness: It’s the kind of authority you’ve wanted ever since you were a kid.’ I was blessed by the entire column, but consider just a few excerpts/summary statements from the article: – (Quoting an editorial in the Wall Street Journal from fifteen years ago) ‘People want to be lightly governed by strong governments.’ – ‘Yes, that’s exactly what people want. We want our dad to be big and strong and able to do anything we can think of—except that when he deals with us, it has to be with…