Grace in Daily Life

Why I LOVE Montana Drivers (This made me cry …)

I stand by my FaceBook like last week of Georgeanne’s comment about drivers in her hometown not understanding how to use a turn-lane. (The concept is obviously also foreign to a LOT of Montana drivers.)

And until I lived in Montana, I never knew that drivers in the USA considered stop signs to be optional. (Turns out there aren’t many stop signs in Montana so again, the concept is a little foreign to native Montanans.)

But today? I was SO proud of my Montana-neighbor-drivers that I cried …

I was sitting at a “busy” (for us) intersection at a “busy” (I use air quotes because we really do have a “rush 15 minutes” rather than a “rush hour” or “creep slowly for two hours” busy time like big cities) … and as I waited for the light to change, I saw that two teenagers were sitting in an SUV that was DEAD in the cross-way of the lanes of traffic. I saw the young man fiddling for his phone; the frantic conversation of “what should we do?!” and the girl starting to tentatively open her door—but seriously, in seconds, she would have been opening her door into four lanes of very fast traffic.


I told Dispatch what I had just seen (and apologized for wasting her time) and she said, “No problem. Good to call. We’ll send a car out just to make sure everything is OK.” And then all of the lanes of traffic started moving again.

I. Love. Montanans. Everyone is a neighbor here in Big Sky Country. (Even if your closest neighbor is 20,000 acres away.)

Isn’t this exactly what you would wish people would do if it were your teenage/college-aged children stuck in an intersection in a stalled-out car? Yay, Montanans!