
When All Else Fails — Pray the Gospel

Practical Shepherding is staying strong as one of the few blogs I read on a regular basis. This wise and experienced pastor is ministering to many other pastors, I am sure. But as a sheep, I love it too! Not only because it (hopefully) helps me to be a better sheep (and help / encourage / pray for my leaders), but also because the lessons are so often transferable to situations in my own lay-person life.

Take this post:

What Can I Pray When Praying with the Sick in the Hospital?

Yes, this is great advice for pastors. But isn’t it great advice for ALL Christians? I mean, how many of us have been designated the “pray-er” in a situation, often because we’re the only “token religious person” in the family?


What great advice. Pray the gospel. Pray it in the morning and the evening. Pray it for your husband and kids. Boss and coworkers. College roommate. Nieces and nephews. Pray the gospel for your daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor, bank clerk, friend.

When all else fails and when nothing is failing at all—pray the gospel.

Thanks, Pastor Croft, for this timely and helpful reminder.