
We can be patient when things go against us …

Groovin’ to Handel’s SOULFUL Messiah and reading my Heidelberg Catechism

(How weird am I?! 😉 )

… and very encouraged by Q.28:

How does the knowledge of God’s creation and providence help us? We can be patient when things go against us, thankful when things go well, and for the future we can have good confidence in our faithful God and Father that nothing will separate us from his love. All creatures are so completely in his hand that without his will they can neither move nor be moved.

What a comfort!
What a comfort.

(Oooooh–Soulful Messiah is on, “Who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when HE appeareth?!” You have just GOT to hear this recording if you haven’t already. It is absolutely one of our favorite holiday traditions EVER. So great.)

Back to God’s providence …

You know, when I reflect back on the lowest time of my life to date, I can think of a few people who were steadfast in their conviction that God is good and trustworthy NO MATTER WHAT.

That “behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling grace.”

I remember feeling frustrated by their faith.

– A part of me wanting to believe.

– A part of me wanting to make the hurting STOP.

– A part of me wanting to HURT the person who was causing me so much pain.


But of course these dear saints were right to put their trust fully in God and to call me to do the same.

I don’t know for sure–but I would guess that a part of them grieved for my suffering. A part of them probably chuckled a bit at my immaturity–but then I’m sure that they also cheered me on in my (painful) journey of growth in grace. I’m sure they prayed for me.

Reflecting on all of this again today, I am reminded that all of the people who were steadfast in trusting God and calling me to trust God HAD SUFFERED HORRIBLY in their lives. Death of children, betrayed by Christians … SUFFERED.

But on the other side of the fire? They said assuredly:

“That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who out of nothing created heaven and earth and everything in them, who still upholds and rules them by his eternal counsel and providence, is my God and Father because of Christ his Son. I trust him so much that I do not doubt he will provide whatever I need for body and soul, and he will turn to my good whatever adversity he sends me in this sad world. He is able to do this because he is almighty God; he desires to do this because he is a faithful Father.” (Q. 26)

Amen & Amen!

Thank You, God.
Thank you, Elector Frederick III and the synod in Heidelberg.
Thank you, SOULFUL Messiah musicians!

Blessed Saturday to you all–

Tara B.