Hope in Suffering

Unspeakable Loss and Divine Holiness (HT: Bruce Clark)

We were blessed to have Bruce Clark preach from chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation this morning. The title of his sermon was:‘And I Began to Weep Loudly’: Unspeakable Loss and Divine Holiness. I was encouraged, challenged, and edified by his entire sermon, but in particular I wanted to tell you just a few of the points he made:

– John’s readers had all experienced profound LOSS in at least two forms: suffering and seduction. So how do you keep going when you keep experiencing loss and you keep failing over and over (and over!) again?

– The answer to our temptation to despair is NOT an apologetic, cultural critique, moving/emotional story OR another list of “ten things TO DO.” No. Revelation provides not an explanation but an ENCOUNTER.

– Through an encounter with God, we behold the proclamation of Divine Holiness and God’s unquestionable rule from Heaven. God’s perfect reign is seen in the sea of perfect glass–not a ripple exists in the water because God is so perfectly sovereign over everything.

– God is SO shrewd! He is SO wise! We are tempted to freak out (my words, not the articulate Mr. Clark’s), point fingers, blame each other, condemn ourselves … DESPAIR. But God is in control. In our turmoil, we cry out, “Can God REALLY handle this?!?!” But the answer is ALWAYS, “Yes.” God alone is worthy and able. We can trust Him.

– To struggle and doubt is the norm for the Christian. We can admit how bad things really are because we know that all of this bad stuff will be dealt with. Jesus is the picture of loss and defeat. Look at Him! He drew the evil onto Himself. He drew them DOWN and then defeated them. Jesus stands and because He stands, you can stand too. Jesus says, “Lose with me! And you will win.”

– See God’s holiness, even in your loss. Don’t stop crying out to God! Find someone who will keep watch with you–sit with you, not condemn you, not be frustrated by your doubt. Recognize how dangerous you are to satan’s causes when you suffer, ask why, have NO idea why, look around, things are SO bad … and you trust and obey God anyway.

One day we will weep no more.

Amen & amen!

Come quickly Lord Jesus. Please guard our hearts!

Sending you love,
Tara B.