Relationships & Peacemaking

Uh-Oh! She’s MAD at me!

Yesterday was my last day before our trip to run errands and try to get organized. I was doing pretty well until I had to swing by and ask a friend for a favor.

I thought I had set everything up in advance and it was going to be no big deal … but do you ever have a conversation where the hair on your neck is standing up and you can almost feel the adrenaline charging the air? That was what happened to me.

My heart was racing as I left and I was concerned for hours (as I continued to go to appointments and hop in and out of stores).

Finally, toward the end of the day when I was at home and I had some time to compose myself, I did the only thing I could do. I prayed. And then I did what Love required … I called my friend to talk about our exchange and ask for her forgiveness.

Relationships are hard!

I know it’s easier to hide away from people and just AVOID these types of uncomfortable conversations.

But Love compels us to persevere.

And I REALLY enjoy this woman. A lot! She is fun, interesting, smart, and godly. And I just HATED that there was even the possibility of something being in between us.


Is the Lord calling you to leave YOUR gift at the altar and pursue peace with someone today? (Matthew 5:23-24)

I prayed for every single one of you who will read this —
may we all live our lives this very day for the LORD and HIS GLORY
and not for our comfort and selfish pleasure.

Love to all,
Tara B.