
Transcendent AND Immanent?

Another must-read RZIM devotional from Jill Carattini:

Nouns and Adjectives On the Throne

Stick through it to the end. It’s worth it! I’ll tempt you with the final paragraph to show you what I mean …

“I don’t know why the throne was empty every time I closed my eyes some years ago. Perhaps I had removed God from the throne long before tragedy hit like a roaring sea and seemed to remove everything in its wake. Perhaps God was ruling from the rooms where we needed God most. I don’t know. But the emptiness of the throne forced me to reexamine the one who inhabits sovereignty itself. Carretto’s words once again hit the gist of such examining: “The true problem is this: Is God an autonomous presence before you, like you before your friend, the bridegroom before the bride, the Son before the Father? […] Can you meet God as a person on your road and prostrate yourself before Him as did Moses before the burning bush? […] Can you experience his presence in the dark intimacy of the temple as did the prophets? In short, is God the God of transcendence, and thus the God of prayer, the God of what lies beyond things, or is He only the God of immanence, revealing Himself in the fruition of matter, in the dynamics of history, in the promise to free mankind?”(2) Is God the Sovereign you will trust at the center of all things? Upon a throne high and lofty, God asks us to look again, calls us to walk in ancient paths, and promises we will find rest for our souls.”