
The Role of the Law in Our Sanctification

I am LOVIN’ my re-read of Dennis Johnson & Elyse Fitzpatrick’s excellent book:

Counsel from the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ

Let me share a few extended excerpts with you to hopefully encourage you on this brisk Thursday morning:

“We must believe (and continue to “beat it into our heads daily,” as Luther once said) that God is perfectly satisfied in Christ’s sacrifice for us, that we have obtained full adoption, and that God is pleased with us and calls us “beloved.” These truths will stimulate joy and expand our faith …

If we live by faith in Jesus Christ rather than by faith in ourselves and our works, we’ll know the joy that protects us from accusation and we’ll live in the lvoe that will constrain true obedience. Since we no longer view the law as the means to obtain righteousness, since it no longer has the power to either harm or threaten us, we may not use it as it’s meant to be used. We will be free to delight in the law because we are freed from the power of the law to curse us …”