Relationships & Peacemaking

Take Your Vitamin Z (HT:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm … that Tim Challies knows what he is doing!! His current “King for a Day/Month/Whatever it ends up being” blog (Take Your Vitamin Z) is definitely going on my “check it out” list. I’ve already clicked through to like five articles–and that hardly EVER happens when I read a new blog.

But wouldn’t you want to read these too?

Reasons People Choose a Church (look at the high incidence of RELATIONSHIPS–can we all say PEACEMAKING/LIVING THE GOSPEL? Ranked 1, 2 & 4!)

You Have Your Clique–But Do You Have the Gospel?

“Many of us are extremely biblical and God-centered in our creeds, but regrettably exude a rank man-centered, self-pleasing, earth-clinging practice with our relationships.”

Indicatives and Imperatives–Get This Down (Don’t miss this! Gospel, gospel, gospel! “The grammar of the gospel,” says Sinclair Ferguson)

– (And for my blogging pals …) Blog Ethics (by Tim Keller and David Powlison) and Lessons from a Blog Break


Whew! What a lovely gift to wake up to this morning. And I didn’t even link to all of the posts on adoption (a topic near and dear to my heart!).

Off to walk Lili and tackle abs now. (Yes, I’ve dropped the MATH part of my “math and abs.” I’m only so strong, I guess. 😉 Actually, I’m excited for the coming year and feeling OK about walking through Math-U-See with the Sophster now.)

Happy Thursday!

Tara B.