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peacemaking survey

Because of my service in the field of Christian conciliation, I often have the privilege of speaking at conferences and women's retreats on the topics of biblical peacemaking, relationships, idols of the heart, etc. Having taught across the nation and spent time with thousands of women, I continue to hear similar questions over and over again:

  • I've never received any training on biblical conflict resolution or peacemaking and my church leaders really struggle to shepherd, counsel, and discipline our members well. What are we called to do as women to serve and encourage our leaders as they disciple, biblically counsel, and pursue peace in our churches?

  • How is it possible to develop truly redemptive relationships among our women when so often we can't even get along? What can we do to facilitate meaningful, selfless, gospel-centered relationships in our churches?

If you would be willing to share your insights with me (anonymously if you prefer), I would greatly appreciate your counsel on these important topics through this brief survey. In addition, please consider participating in our discussion board.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey!

Prayerfully and with great joy,
Tara Barthel

Please answer the following questions regarding your experience with peacemaking/conflict in your church and ministry. Thank you! If you wish, this form is available to download, print out, and send to me via postal mail.

Is your church a part of the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) denomination?
How would you rate the relationships in your church (in general)?
1 - Seriously Conflicted
3 - Pretty Neutral and Distant
5 - Gospel-Infused, Redemptive, and United in Christ
How would you rate the relationships among your church's women?
1 - Seriously Conflicted
3 - Pretty Neutral and Distant
5 - Gospel-Infused, Redemptive, and United in Christ
How would you rate the relationships between your women and your church leaders (elders and deacons)?
1 - Seriously Conflicted
3 - Pretty Neutral and Distant
5 - Gospel-Infused, Redemptive, and United in Christ
How would you describe the level of conflict in your church?
1 - Severe (People fight, attack, and leave)
3 - Moderate (We get along OK)
5 - Present, but constructively handled
Has your church ever offered systematic training or instruction on biblical conflict resolution or biblical peacemaking?
Has Tara Barthel ever spoken at your church or women's ministry?
If yes to either or both, please describe what (if any) lasting effect this training had on your church:
1 - None at All
3 - A Moderate Amount
5 - Many Positive Changes
Describe your familiarity with Peacemaker Ministries (www.Peacemaker.net) or Ken Sande's book The Peacemaker.
1 - Never heard of them
3 - Familiar with, but don't really use their principles
5 - Very familiar with/use their principles all the time
Does your church provide the ministry of Biblical Counseling? If so, how effective is it?
1 - Does not provide
3 - Provides and somewhat effective
5 - An integral part of the church
Does your church provide the ministry of Christian Conciliation? If so, how effective is it?
1 - Does not provide
3 - Provides and somewhat effective
5 - An integral part of the church
Does your church carry out the ministry of Redemptive Church Discipline? If so, how effective is it?
1 - Does Not Carry Out
3 - Carries Out and Somewhat Effective
5 - An Integral Part of the Church
What are some of the most common conflicts you face in your church?
What suggestions do you have for churches that are trying to better "shepherd the sheep" through redeptive discipline, biblical counseling, and Christian conciliation? (What works well in your church? What challenges do you face? How are the women involved?)
If you had sufficient funding, staff, and time, what new ministries would you add to your church? (What are the most pressing ministerial needs at your church? In what areas could your church improve? What practical help does your church need from the denominational headquarters or other PCA churches?)
What questions should I have asked you that I didn't? (And how would you respond?)
If you'd like to stay in touch with Tara, please enter your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Thank you so very much for sharing your counsel and wisdom with me! I count it a great honor and I will do my very best to strategically use the information I gather to glorify God and further promote the unity of the saints through the bond of peace.

If I might be of further service to you in the future, I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me. Also, please feel free to to participate in my blog or inquire as to my speaking or conciliating services.

Thanks again and God bless you! -- Tara Barthel

"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task
the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

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