Relationships & Peacemaking

Sibling Rivalry in the House of Faith (HT: RZIM!)

I have been plowing through emails and trying to catch up on my reading as I’ve flown from Montana to Florida all day today.

Some things I skim and some things I don’t even glance at (delete-o-rama!). But a recent “Slice of Infinity” written by J.M. Njoroge (associate apologist at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) stopped me in my tracks. I had to slow down and really read it. And then read it again. And then pray.

I thought it might challenge some of you, too, so here is a brief excerpt to tempt you (emphasis added):

‘When our pursuit for success is severed from a healthy sense of our chronic indebtedness, achieving success can instill in us a measure of entitlement foreign to our true identity. Such a pitfall is even more consequential in our spiritual lives since it is harder to distinguish between self-serving motives and genuine zeal for the Lord

Pure, unadulterated motives may lie beyond the reach of even the most devout among us, but the intentional recognition of our humble place in deference to the majesty of our Maker is an indispensable ingredient in our service to Him and others.’

I truly hope you will read the entire essay:

Sibling Rivalry and the House of Faith

I am so glad that I subscribe to this gem of a daily e-devotional.

Grace to you!

Much love,
Tara B.