
Servanthood as Worship

I was psyched when I read a Challies.com note that a book reviewer he trusts gave this book a “must read” evaluation because I just ordered it myself:

Servanthood as Worship: The Privilege of Life in a Local Church

I am eager to read what this author wrote and I’m thinking about this topic a lot these days as Dave and I reach the end of our Draft 1 of “Redeeming Church Conflict.” (Lots of thoughts about service jostling around in my head these days.) I just can’t tell you how much it has helped my heart (and influenced how I talk about such things with Sophia) when people I respect taught me two basic truths about service and worship and life in the local church:

1. Worship is work. It is. It takes a lot of effort to pay attention during a sermon and fully participate in a corporate worship service, so don’t be surprised when you’re tempted to zone out or get sleepy. Yes, it’s great. And yes, it can, at times, “feel” pleasant. But a lot of worship is plan ol’ work.


2. Hosting (hospitality, care-giving) is work. It is. It takes a lot of effort to clean, shop, make beds, plan menus, shop, clean up, and do it all over again. Women’s events don’t just happen—many people worked very hard for you to come and enjoy that Christmas tea. (Hi Rita! Hi Kristin!) Holiday meals don’t just spontaneously appear. Yes, it’s great fun to do celebrations. Sure, we can all enjoy the redemptive pleasure of genuine friendship and enjoyable, life-giving company. But hosting is also work. So give yourself credit for the mental and physical exhaustion you feel when you host people (especially if you’re an introvert like me! 🙂 ). You’re not imagining it. It’s tiring. Great, sure, but tiring too. It takes a lot of work to care.

Remembering these two truths has helped me to guard my own heart when it comes to my opportunities to serve, AND it has helped me to be far more grateful when others are serving me.

(Wow. This post is disjunct and I’d go back and rewrite it/smooth it out, except that Ella just woke up from her nap so I must scoot. Hope the link is at least helpful in some small way!)