Relationships & Peacemaking

Relational Testimony (HT: RZIM’s Slice of Infinity)

Another classic from the only e-devotional I read Mon-Fri, RZIM’s Slice of Infinity:

Relational Testimony (by L.T. Jeyachandran)

Let me tempt you with just a snippet:

“As an apologist, I am often engaged in conversations that involve the philosophical, theological, scientific, and historical reasons by which one could reasonably conclude that Jesus is exactly who he said he was–the eternal God now come in the flesh. But interestingly enough, Jesus tells us in John 13:34-35 that the final apologetic by which this world will recognize that he was sent by God is the demonstrable love-relationship that will be seen in the lives of his disciples.

Why is it that the unfathomable truth of Word made flesh can only be conclusively understood in a living, verifiable community of believers? Why is it that of all the methods that the evil one could invent to thwart the purposes of God, none would succeed so spectacularly as the disruption of relationships among the members of the body of Christ?

There is one simple but profound answer …”


(Doesn’t that make you want to read the entire devotional? And maybe sign up to receive this devotional too? I can tell you that they have NEVER spammed my email address. They don’t even ask for donations. They just bless and bless–which, of course, makes me WANT to support them. 🙂 )

Blessings on your Thursday!

Tara B.