
Please Pray for PeaceGals Moderator, “Ruth from NC”

Dear friends,

The PeaceGals Moderators received some very, very hard news this morning when our own PeaceGal Moderator, and frequent commenter on this blog, and friend, “Ruth from NC” shared this prayer request with us:

“Two weeks ago I detected a questionable lump at my right temple so head, neck, and brain scans were done yesterday and we saw the doctor this morning. He confirmed that the tumor is back…with a vengeance. It has overtaken the remainder of the right masticular (chewing) muscle and has invaded the right eye socket, wrapped the optic nerve, traversed the cranial wall and the brain lining. They are unable to confirm via any scans if it is in the brain or on the nerve of the brain stem.

He emphasized that this tumor would take precedence over the lung cancer and would soon create havoc of different kinds, not the least of which would be loss of vision. He expressed concern about the pain levels and for now, the pain is tolerable but increasing daily.

We are waiting now to hear back from the oncologist in Houston as to how to proceed. The treatment options are limited but it’s generally acknowledged that if something is available, MD Anderson Cancer Center is best equipped to know it and administer it.

Humanly speaking, it’s not good news. But while I have difficulty finding words right now, I do know that as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not limited to or by human language and circumstance.

Meanwhile we are hunkering down and wrestling with the news, trusting the Holy Spirit’s intercession with “groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8 ) This site will be updated as information is available. Thank you for praying with and for us.

Grace and peace,


I have Ruth’s permission to post this (of course) and I do ask that you might please keep Ruth, her beloved husband and young children in your prayers.

Thanks much!

Tara B.

PeaceGal Moderators Sarah Joy, Emily, Ruth, and Tara B.
(not pictured: Anne, Julie, Shannon, and Tara S.)