Teens & Technology

Perils of Digital Technology


This article (by an M.I.T. professor) is a must read if you want to have any sort of real (loving, gospel-encouraging, Titus 2-ing) relationships with the next generation. (Or. For me, with the next generation and the next NEXT generation.)

The Perils of Digital Technology

This is a subject I have added to my new retreat (Titus 2 in a 21st Century World) and one that I think is essential for all of us to think deeply and prayerfully about.

(I have some other posts on this topic under my Teens and Young Adults category if you’re interested in reading other articles and book recommendations on technology. I hope you are!)

Oh, and I am completely aware of the irony of posting this on a day when I spent significant time changing over my FaceBook profile to the new “look.”


Hope your Thursday is a blessed one!

Your friend,
Tara B.

Yet again, HT: Challies