Singleness & Marriage

One of the worst feelings in the world …

I think I’m ready to name another one of Fred’s and my fights. (Do you guys remember what our “FIGHT 37” is???)

This is the one where, hypothetically, I know we need either a) a big box OR b) a new rollaboard suitcase to get all of our “Chicago adventures” / borrowed clothing from my sister treasures home …

And I ask Fred (at the hotel this morning) to either get a) packing tape OR b) a new rollaboard suitcase (because I eat through them with my travel schedule anyway, might as well get one now) …

I KNOW that we have TIME in the morning of fun to do one of those two things … but we WON’T have time in the afternoon of “Momma has to get us unpacked from the hotel, REPACKED for the trip home on two airlines, etc. etc.”

And, of course, we end up running a BIT late with a FEW unexpected timing problems and a) NO packing tape AND b) NO new suitcase.

So here is one of the worst feelings in the world (and one that brings out a LOT of James 4 “not gentle speech!!”:

1. Having the RESPONSIBILITY for something; and
2. Having neither the AUTHORITY nor the POWER to make it happen.

Ugh. Blugh. Blech. Ick.

Oh well.
 Things are packed–hope they make it home.

Fred’s on his flight and we’re leaving for ours in about 20 minutes.
I’m all confessed up (for my grouchy attitude and disrespectful tone of voice) AND all forgiven.

So away we go!

I’ll try to post some more pics when I can …
Here’s to hoping for uneventful flights.

Happy, blessed Saturday!

Love ya bunches,
Tara B.