Grace in Daily Life

No Argument Against THIS Evidence!

Last Sunday was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. What a gift of grace to have this tragic reminder at least once a year–but also many, many other times of course too.

But then I went to our Bible study last night. Of all the things I’ve ever heard, read, or discussed about “pro-choice,” “pro-abortion,” or “pro-life,” what one of my friends shared has truly impacted me the most.

And just to let you know a little of my background, although I am no expert on the topic, I did volunteer for years at my local Crisis Pregnancy Center where I served not only in an administrative position but I also led Bible studies for women who had abortions in their past. (Talk about a forum for laying hold of Christ and truly believing the gospel!)

And way back when I was a senior psychology major in undergrad, I wrote my senior thesis on the psychological effects of induced abortion (not the easiest topic to get through a very liberal school and faculty more or less to earn a grad school award and scholarship on). And even way-way-back-when (can you say 80’s hairdo’s and clothing? ahhhhh — high school!), a beloved teacher at our public school (who used to lead Bible studies and prayer groups in her classroom after school was over and who was influential in me coming to faith in Christ my freshman year of high school) used to take groups of us up to Chicago to pray and gently share information about the current lawsuits against one of the biggest Chicago abortion clinics on Michigan Avenue.

But probably most importantly to give you “the scoop” on my heart concerning abortion is this … I was truly the biggest Pharisee, jerk, mean, horrible, unloving “pro-lifer” when I first came to Christ as a teenager. I was condemning and ungracious and did not share the gospel with women close to me who were choosing abortion and I have always regretted this. Some of the women I have been able to find and apologize to, others I have not. And I bear appropriate regret for my sinful, unloving responses–because of course we can hold to the Truth and not “compromise” while being respectful, genuinely caring, and gospel-infused too! And I totally failed in this regard as a brand-new-born-again-teenager.

But back to Bible study last night … my friend is a fascinating and wonderful woman who used to work for a very “liberal” (he would describe himself that way so I mean no disrespect) Senator in DC. She has been one of the greatest evidence of grace in my life over the course of the last year and what she shared last night blessed me yet again. This is a paraphrase of what she said (with my own “interpretation” too):

“Of course I used to be the feminist, pro-abortion, “liberal” who thought all of those pro-lifers were just crazy and wrong.

And then Christ saved me. And overnight my heart changed.

I wasn’t persuaded by arguments or information, God simply changed my heart. It was almost as if I woke up the next morning after I was regenerated by the Holy Spirit and deep in my heart I just knew that, of course, abortion was wrong and we were called to promote and protect life.

Such a radical heart-change is one of the greatest evidences to me that God is real, that He is in the business of redeeming His people, and that by His grace, I now am His.


Though I struggle with unbelief (like all Christians); though I despair when my eyes are off of Christ an on me (like all Christians); there is no doubting that this change–from pro-abortion to pro-life–happened in my heart and in my life and that it was God stepping into time and caring for His daughter, little ol’ me, and proclaiming and expanding His Kingdom of Redemptive Grace.”

Preach it, Jane! (Yeah, her name isn’t Jane, but I wasn’t sure she’d want me sharing her real name. She is a very private woman and who am I to put her story out there for millions of people to be able to read? I’m just waiting for HER blog to get started. I’m picturing her guffaw at that thought now — but I mean it. That’d be one I’d visit every day.)

As my college philosophy professor (and Sunday School teacher and the man who gave the message really close to our wedding–i.e., at the reception since a major car accident on the highway kept him from getting there on time) used to say all the time …. There is no argument against a person’s testimony. It just is.

Thank you, “Jane,” for sharing your testimony with us last night.

I woke up this morning worshipping God and more hopeful in Him as I remembered what you shared. Thank you, friend!

Tara B.

And if my friend from high school who shared with me that you got pregnant and had an abortion and I responded by pulling back from you rather than drawing closer to you and being a real friend ever finds me and reads this … Please know how sorry I am. I was unloving and condemning and I have regretted it now for 20 years. I hope that you will forgive me and I would love to have the opportunity to confess to you in person and ask for your forgiveness. I am so very, very sorry.