
Nancy Leigh DeMoss Book GIVEAWAY: “Brokennss, Surrender, Holiness”

I just received a (beautiful!) hardcover book in the mail (for being a Challies “Friend of the Blog”) and after checking my LibraryThing.com (so much easier than walking ALL the way downstairs to look—hah), I confirmed that, yes, I already own it.

So would you like it?

If so, just leave a comment by one week from today and next Friday morning, I’ll let Random Number Generator pick one of you as the winner.

It’s a great book (actually three great books) that I hope will truly bless one of you.

Happy Thursday!
— Tara B.


Don’t forget to make sure I have some way to contact you. If you enter but don’t let me know how to contact you, I’ll pick another winner on Saturday morning.

Our family will never give or rent your contact information out to anyone—so no fear of SPAM! 🙂