Sin & Repentance

My tendency to judge …

I absolutely cringed this weekend when I realized what a strong tendency I have to (silently of course! don’t want to look bad … ) judge certain women.

(I do.
I really do.

Oh! This is such a graceless sin.
I am really struck and disgusted by my heart.)

I know that I am adopting a loveless attitude toward them because inwardly I hear this little voice:

“What kind of a CHRISTIAN would …

And then there is a list of “offenses” that really, are just opportunities for love, kindness, forbearance, friendship, patience … growth in grace.

I hear this grace in the words of people around me who don’t judge, but instead come alongside these women, accept them (“just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God” Romans 7:5, right?), love them, and help them to grow.

(This is how I want to be! Oh, forgive me, God. Please forgive my proud, vain, unloving, judgmental, faithless and graceless heart.)

You’ve heard the old adage:

“There’s just something about HER I can’t STAND … about me.”

I’m sure it’s true in this circumstance.

Because the things I am so judgmental about are the very things I struggle with!
 And the way these women “bug” me is, I am absolutely SURE, the very way I bug people every day.

Oh! May God have mercy on our souls.
Forgive us our sins.
And unite our hearts in genuine Christian unity and love.

You know–this will only happen as we repent of our self-focus and intentionally (with all of our energy and effort and focus and drive and emotions and thoughts and actions!) lay hold of Christ in right worship.

Then–we will see His glory.
Our sin.
His mercy!
Our only hope.

And this–this gospel!–will enable us to give mercy to and have hope for the people around us.

Be glorified, we pray, O God!
Be glorified.