
Motherboard Kaputskie?

I’m no technological whiz or anything …

But when “the shop” that has had your laptop for OVER A MONTH talks about replacing the motherboard (on top of the other, you know, three SIMPLE things that were supposed to be fixed initially that THEN became five more because they apparently installed the new CD/DVD drive incorrectly and the whole thing overheated, blah blah blah) …

Am I right in assuming that a) I am NEVER going to get my laptop back; and b) even if I do, it’s just not going to work very well?

Hmmmmm …

Oh well, there are a lot worse things in life, right?

I just can’t believe that I might have to actually travel Tuesday-Saturday next week AND the following Thursday-Sunday SANS LAPTOP. Even just the thought of it feels SO strange! What will I do? Will I just walk past the password sign in the WorldClub without even glancing at it? Are there people in the world who actually DO that? No webcamming with Soph? No catching up on emails (sorry to everyone who is waiting on a long overdo reply from me by the way!)?

Could I possibly have a carryon that doesn’t way a thousand pounds because it is chock-full of things to-do (all requiring a laptop of course)? Would I read? Have actual real-life interactions with people in 3-D?

Strange strange strange.
AND PATHETIC that it’s even this strange for me, eh?


Oh! How grateful I am for God’s love and the love of my family and a few friends who don’t just roll their eyes and walk away when the “real” me comes out — but instead, they love me and help me to be the woman God is calling me to be.

(Because I surely would’ve given up on me a LONG time ago!)

I’m in the zone this morning to finish all of my speaker notes for next week–it would sure feel GREAT to have them printed out and tucked away. Then, onto handouts and laundry and packing. One thing at a time, right?

Sending you my love and hoping you are doing well!

Tara B.

Please do continue to keep frequent commenter here and PeaceGals moderator “Ruth M.” in your prayers. She has a new update on her CaringBridge site to help you to pray more specifically. Thanks! — tkb