
Men & Women? Vive la difference! (HT: CCEF.org)

Because of Judy’s and my book, “Peacemaking Women,” I am often asked the question:

“How are men and women DIFFERENT when it relates to biblical peacemaking/living out the gospel in our relationships?”

Well … CCEF’s e-newsletter today contained a link to a great article by David Powlison that discusses some of the biblical similarities and distinctives regarding men and women specifically related to biblical counseling … but isn’t that topic “close enough” (THE SAME??) as biblical peacemaking because it’s all just living out the gospel?

I really think so and I hope you agree so that you’ll pop on over and check it out.

And while you do that–why not consider buying some of their resources and/or their AMAZING (biblical, Christ-centered, practical, scholarly but readable for those of us lay/sheep too) Journal of Biblical Counseling (in a searchable/indexed CD format) … or even, hey! What an idea … PRAYING for these men and women and DONATING to them too? (You know … I’m like 99.99% sure I’ve never asked anything like that on this blog before … but I stand by it. Why not pray and give today?)

OK … back to work. Much work.

God bless you!
And thanks for the fun comments re: our family’s “4 seconds of fame.” 🙂

Tara B.

 Their copyright language is really, really tight so I’m HOPING it’s OK if I tempt you with just a few teasers from Dr. Powlison’s article … (If not, and if some CCEF guy or gal is reading this and is upset, PLEASE let me know and I’ll take these teasers right down!)

– “The God who made us male and female manages to avoid both masculinist and feminist extremes.”

– “Most of what women and men deal with is generically the same. Both male and female sin in the same basic ways. Complaining, worry, resentment, unbelief, and self-righteousness are genderblind. And both male and female suffer life’s pains and hardships. So Christ’s mercies come to both. Faith works through love in both. Both sexes apply psalms, most proverbs, the Sermon on the Mount, John, and most of Ephesians 4-6 in the same ways.”

-“Often idiosyncratic differences between individuals have more cash value than supposed gender differences. Some men come from Venus and some women from Mars. Some women are natural initiators, while some men are instinctive responders. Some men are nurturers and some women are achievers. Some women love to balance the checkbook and watch sports on TV; some men love to cook and to talk with friends over coffee. Some men weep at sad movies; some women pack firearms. And vice versa, of course. The bell curves of gender traits might slide a little one way, or the other, but generalizations don’t work as absolutes.”

– “Even problems supposed to be typically male or typically female aren’t set in stone. Troubles with body image, depression, and being abused were once distinctively female. But disorderly eating, obsession with physical appearance, pervading hopelessness, and the experience of violation are increasingly male. On the other side, pornography, aggressive lewdness, violent behavior, and foul language were once characteristically male evils. They are increasingly female.”

-“So what makes this our women’s issue? Though the most significant things about people are universal, your sex and gender (biology’s female/male and culture’s feminine/masculine) always give things a particular spin, a slant. Something of that different feel is what I hope these articles communicate. When what’s deeply the same comes from a woman’s sensibility, it’s just a bit different. A significant bit. This is analogous to the issues raised in any cross-cultural or cross-situational ministry.”

– “So, women are different from men, and vive la différence! Yet, no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to all, and we all grow up into the image of Jesus.”

Amen, Dr. Powlison!

And thanks and love to all of the men and women of the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation for your God-centered, biblically-faithful, practically-helpful ministry that points us to Christ. — tkb