
Many Thanks To My Mother-in-Law

I’m very grateful to my mother-in-law, Chris, for taking care of the girls so that Fred and I could attend the CCEF Conference. What a tremendous gift she gave us! And the girls loved their grandma-time:

Uninterrupted time to walk, talk, read, pray … just BE together is so important for a marriage. We’ve “known” this since before we were married. Every book, sermon, friend’s counsel on marriage has emphasized how important it is. And yet, this was our first time away from the girls. Our first nine years of marriage being completely child-free really got us into a bit of a rut of NOT having a “date time” because when you don’t have children, EVERY day is date night.

We are prayerfully hopeful that we will do better with this in the future—we know it’s important for our friendship and intimate love too.


Thanks, again, Chris!

Happy Tuesday,
Tara B.