Gospel Coalition LiveBlogs

John Piper: In the Throne Room – The God of Holiness and Hope (The Gospel Coalition National Women’s Conference LiveBlog)

To read the near-transcription from Pastor Piper’s plenary session, just click “Replay” below:

Here is a picture of Pastor Piper teaching us during this session:

The actual LiveBlog replay above has over 5,300 words in it, so I won’t even attempt to restate the entirety of this teaching. However, here are just a few points that will hopefully whet your appetite and encourage you to read the entire entry:

  • I’m sorry that you have grown up in nominal homes and are in churches where things are so glib and shallow. I would like your life to count for the healing of that silliness; and that you would have the happiness that comes from the most seriousness of all.
  • God is alive. He was alive forever when this universe exploded into existence; Socrates drank his poison; Bradford ruled over the colony; Time Magazine’s absurd “God is dead” cover. He will be alive in 10 billion years. He is alive and He will be alive forever. All the potentates on their little thrones in 50 years will be no more; the 7 billion people on earth will experience a complete turnover in 120 years. And God will be alive. Alive. Forever.
  • You don’t give God authority in your life. He has it. He owns it. You can either deny it and perish; or submit to its truth.
  • God is right and He has all rights. He defines right. He is right and holy.