Relationships & Peacemaking

Imperfect Shepherds

At friend-prayer group this morning, I was reflecting on how blessed our family is to have pastors/church leaders who a) understand what the Bible says about their duties to shepherd their sheep; and b) try hard.

Are they perfect? Nope. (And they would be the first ones to admit that, I am sure.)

But they take their ordination vows seriously. And they work very hard.

Plus? Sometimes they excel at shepherding by:

– Counseling well: They know the Scripture and use it wisely to encourage, rebuke, exhort, and comfort

– Loving well: taking the time to reach out and listen; demonstrating genuine care and concern

– Living well: valiantly fighting faith’s fight against sin (and calling us to do the same), but leading from a place of weakness and vulnerability that points to the Savior (rather than works).


Are my church leaders perfect? No way.

Do I thank God for them? Every day.

(Oh, and I thank God for a husband who leads me in similar ways too. Hi Fred! 🙂 )

We’re off to gymnastics! Hope your Monday is a blessed one.

Tara B.