
Hi to South Carolina!

A happy & grateful HELLO to all of the ladies I met in South Carolina this past weekend! It was so wonderful to share fellowship with you. Thanks again for inviting me to be with you all.

Also: I truly hope that you will consider joining our discussion board in the next WEEK (and dropping me a quick email to let me know!) so that I can enter your name in our drawing for a $99 Peacemaker Group Study.

(Remember! I will never give your contact information to anyone.)

Also, if ANYONE is willing to review my book on Amazon, I’d love to send you a THANK YOU. Please just let me know if you’d like a set of CD’s, a copy of Ken Sande’s book (The Peacemaker), or my book–or whatever resource I usually stock that might bless you.

I’m leaving in less than 30 minutes to meet the Southside Fellowship DVD Study team. (I’m so excited! But nervous too … hope I do OK.)

BTW … did you know your pastor took photos of me for the DVD project? WHAT an example of servant leadership, eh?


Do you guys like any of these???

I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful Sabbath!

Sending you my love,
Tara B.