Singleness & Marriage

Godly Manhood

Owen Strachan just summarized and linked to an insightful message by Bruce Ware that I commend to you:

An Essential Talk by Bruce Ware on Godly Manhood

As I read his points, I was struck by two thoughts:

1. I hope women (including me!) don’t warp these excellent points into LAW to thrust on our husbands and criticize them, even just silently to ourselves.

2. I wonder how I could be an encourager and helper to Fred in regards to such things?

(Oh, and I also thought to myself: “What an excellent grid for a woman to think through what she is praying for and looking for in a potential husband.” And, “If I had a son, I would surely be encouraging such things in his heart, especially as he prayerfully strives to prepare to be a husband and father one day.”)


Hope you enjoy! Off to school now—

Tara B.
