Grace in Daily Life

Do your prayers sound like this? Do mine?

Each week, when I receive the email prayer requests from our congregation, I am constantly amazed by the prayers of a young (elementary-aged) girl in our church. I’ve begun to capture them in a Word doc. so that I can look over them all at once and see the beautiful, God-centered balance of worship, thanksgiving, intercession, and supplication that this little girl has.

I have been so encouraged AND challenged by her prayers. Out of the mouths of babes!

(I’ve even wondered if my publisher would ever be interested in putting them in a book form. Who knows?!)

In the interim (and with the permission of her mother, but changing all identifying information of course), I thought you might be blessed to read just a few of her requests. I’ve copied a few of them below in reverse chronological order.

Joy to you!
Tara B.

Isn’t this a beautiful testimony to the ministry of her mother? (And father and brother and sisters too … but oh! I see her mother’s heart in each prayer.) Happy almost Mother’s Day, my friends!

(A Few) Prayers from a Little Girl

May 1, 2006: I am so prideful. I pray that you would help me. Thank you.

April 24, 2006: Please pray that I would always listen and open my ears to God. Thank you.

February 5, 2006: Jesus has blessed me and I would like to thank Him for that and also for His love.

January 22, 2006: The Lord is mighty. I need him in my heart. Pray for me that I shall be a Godly girl.

January 1, 2006: Pray for me for I am not slow to anger. I get mad at my brother and sister very easily.


December 18, 2005: Help all of us as a church to love and worship God more. Merry Christmas. Thank you.

November 13, 2005: I pray for our church to work together and I also wish that you would pray with me. Thank you.

September 6, 2005: Help me to love God more and listen to Him. I am a sinner and I need His help.

August 29, 2005: Thank God for everything He has given us, He is our provider even though we are sinners and we disobey God, He is our provider and He gives us things. Praise God for that.

August 15, 2005: My heart has been wicked and mean. I would like to pray to God to wash my heart clean as snow and to make me listen to his Holy Word.

July 11, 2005: My mom is going to London. I pray that God would keep her safe. I also heard on the news a bomb has been set in London and I just pray to keep her safe. Thank you.

March 21, 2005: Praise God and thank him for dying for us with nail in his hands and thorns in his head and has risen for us on Easter.

January 17, 2005: I would like to thank God for church and the Bible because we get to learn about God through those two things. Thank you.

November 29, 2004: I would like to thank God for Christmas and I would like to thank God for providing a Christmas tree for Christmas.

August 30, 2004: I would like to pray that when I grow up I will not turn away from God and I want to thank God for dying on the cross.

May 10, 2004: My little baby sister is very sick she swallowed a penny and it is stuck inside her somewhere and I want to pray for her.

February 2, 2004: I want you to just thank God for everything He has done for me and for my family. Please thank God for the world and everything He has created.

January 5, 2004: Please pray for all the sickness – like the fevers and colds to go away. Also, I want to thank the Lord for what he has done in me.