Relationships & Peacemaking

Do you find it strange how mean some people can be re: church stuff?

In the last few days, I’ve visited with multiple women who are:

1. Generously giving of themselves to serve their churches (through volunteer prayer ministries, mercy ministries, etc.); and

2. Being yelled at (literally!) and treated incredibly disrespectfully by the very people they are sacrificing their personal and family time to bless.

It’s just so strange. Understandable, of course, but strange too.

I prayed for them and tried to encourage them by reminding them that we are all called to be in difficult relationships–lots of people are either unregenerate or very immature. And their selfishness, harsh and critical attitudes, and lack of love are really to be expected.

But that doesn’t make it any easier, does it? To serve and give and sacrifice–and be treated terribly? It’s unjust. It’s not fair. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be.

But it IS the opportunity for us to lay down our lives, pick up our crosses, and treat them NOT as they deserve–but as GOD treats US. To bless and never curse. Pray, do good, suffer.

I hate it though–I hate that these amazing women are treated like this. Reminds me of what a women’s ministry director told me once as SHE was counseling and encouraging me to persevere and not give up when I had been treated badly by some Christians.

“Welcome to the club, Tara. We get t-shirts, you know.”

Here’s hoping that your day is NOT being filled with too many difficult people–and that when it is, you are finding yourself so wholly defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ, that you can walk through even the most awful situation with grace.

My day’s gone pretty nicely. We’re unpacked. Laundry is just about done. (It’s a clean sheet day! Hooray!) And I actually even walked Lilikoi–my first exercise since, ummmm, well, maybe September? 😉

Sending you love–
Tara B.