Hope in Suffering

Depression depression depression … (and hope!)

My friend, A.W., sent me a link to a great interview with Ed Welch on the topic of depression. I hope you’ll check it out!

To tempt you, here is a tiny excerpt from the long interview:

“One common response of depressed individuals is that they can’t imagine anything good ever happening again. Normally our emotions can go up and down; at this moment I can imagine really difficult things and really good things.

The person who is depressed cannot imagine anything with a good outcome. Even when someone close tells them genuinely and meaningfully, “I love you,” it doesn’t cut through the pain. With the depressed person, there’s always this inner doubt raging war with truth. They might say, “I hear your words, but I can’t imagine that you would love me.” This inability to identify “good” is one of the most troubling features of depression for the hurting person. It’s also one of the frustrations for those who love them, because you want your love and your words to build them up. Instead, even the most caring sentiments seem to hit a wall and fall flat. “

Can you relate? I can!


Hope you’ll read the interview AND get Dr. Welch’s book on depression too. It’s the best one I’ve read to date.

Working hard and hoping you’re having a great Friday too–

Tara B.