
Congratulations SG! You won!

Hey Pennsylvania! I did your DRAWING for the $99 Peacemaker Group Study and S.G. won!

🙂 !!

I hope that we continue to hear from ladies in South Carolina! I’ll do their drawing next Monday morning–so be sure to join our discussion board and email me by then if you’d like to be included.

I’m ALMOST home right now. One more flight.
I’m actually sitting in COLORADO because my second of three flights was canceled and I was re-routed on a different airline through different cities. Ahhhhh–air travel.

Hope you’re all doing well!
 Oh–and THANK YOU for the encouraging blog comments you’ve posted in the past few days. They were incredibly encouraging to me when I got home from the dvd taping last night. I was tired (but happy). Content (but eager to be home). And all of your words were truly a BALM for my heart.

Love to you!
God bless you–

Tara B.