
Christianity and Liberalism (Theological, Not Political)

Oh, I cringed a bit when I saw this post from pastor Thabiti Anyabwile:

The New IX Marks eJournal: Liberalism

I remember so clearly back in my undergrad years, the first conversations I had, the first books I read, the first sermons I ever heard that claimed to be “Christian,” but defined Christian in such a radically different way than I had ever heard before that I literally gasped. And grieved.

Then I learned more and more about systematic theology and and church history and, well, I gasped. And grieved.

Read and learn.
Read and pray!

Tara B.


And just because I am, apparently, unable to have a blog post these days that doesn’t like to something off of Challies.com, and I don’t want to only mention something hard/deep to start your day …

I encourage you to check this out if you’d like to start your day with a chuckle:

Top Fifteen Signs Your Sermon Isn’t Going Well

And this pithy summary from TakeYourVitaminZ of what I have to say I would LOVE to see people adopt in internet exchanges:

Top 5 Ways to Lose (and Win!) an Argument Online