Relationships & Peacemaking

A quick response to all of your comments …

Hey guys! Just wanted to post a super-quick response to the sweet folks who have emailed me about my airport employee / struggling with my own repentance post.

First of all, THANKS for caring so much about me. I appreciate your kindness AND the time you took to email me. I take your counsel seriously and I do appreciate you.

In response to the, “You didn’t have anything to apologize for anything, Tara” comments … well … I feel compelled to gently explain that, in fact, yes I did. I know that I did sin against her; I was grouchy and rude; and even if she were “99%” in the wrong and I was only “1%,” I am still responsible before the Lord. (PLUS–I really think I was way more than 1% responsible. Remember–my exhaustion doesn’t give me an excuse to violate the Second Greatest Commandment.)

In response to the, “You should complain / what about customer service / help her with her speck” comments … well … I guess I will just say, yes, I will pray about what you’ve shared. And OF COURSE I believe that there is a time and place to share constructive feedback. (For example, I recently spoke with an employee and manager of a place we visit a lot and though it was a hard conversation for the woman (employee) to have, she has actually been quite responsive and I see her trying very hard to overcome some of her tendencies. I am so grateful to the Lord for pressing it on my heart to speak with her! In my feedback, I shared from my own struggles and failures as an employee and how people have helped me to grow over the years; and also how I truly hoped that she would receive the feedback, trust that I am cheering her on to grow and change, and that she would enjoy great success in her years to come.)

But this airport situation is different. With the other employee, I had observed her over and over and over again. I was confident that what I was doing what loving of God and neighbor. I only wanted her best! I simply can’t say those things about the airport employee–I don’t know if it’s a pattern; if I had talked with her about her offense, it really would’ve been motivated by ME being offended and annoyed by her, not by love. And so, for now, I remain silent. And prayerful.

(And repentant of my own sin! 🙂 )

All that to say … I hope that helps to respond to all of you sweet private (and public) commenters. And I hope it sheds a little light on how I am striving to love God and love neighbor in my own small sphere of influence.

THANKS for caring!
 Thanks for sharing your counsel with me!

I appreciate you all–

With love,
Tara B.

And in response to an unrelated post … (hoe down!) … I didn’t identify the little boy because I don’t feel that I have the authority to share identifying information about other people’s children without their parents’ express permission. Hope you understand! (I can tell you that he is a wonderful little six-year old, a member of our church, and his family is incredibly precious to ours.)