• Teens & Technology

    Perils of Digital Technology

    Yowza. This article (by an M.I.T. professor) is a must read if you want to have any sort of real (loving, gospel-encouraging, Titus 2-ing) relationships with the next generation. (Or. For me, with the next generation and the next NEXT generation.) The Perils of Digital Technology This is a subject I have added to my new retreat (Titus 2 in a 21st Century World) and one that I think is essential for all of us to think deeply and prayerfully about. (I have some other posts on this topic under my Teens and Young Adults category if you’re interested in reading other articles and book recommendations on technology. I hope…

  • Momma Tara~Parenting

    Children and 9-1-1

    Challies linked to this very sweet (everything is OK in the end!) and yet stressful (calling 9-1-1 is always stressful) video: And it reminded me that I may never have shared this book with you all: It’s Time to Call 9-1-1: What to do in an Emergency   Just like the very helpful Safe Side Super Chick video, I really appreciate how the author communicates vital information WITHOUT painting the entire world as dangerous/to be feared. As someone who had to call 9-1-1 as a child (teenager, but still) when her parent was near death, I can tell you that I was nowhere near as composed as the little five…

  • Uncategorized

    Tools for Young Philosophers

    I am so excited to dive into this brief book from one of my top five teachers in any discipline. Ever. (Also making the list would be Andrew Leipold and Richard Kaplan (both of whom make me miss law school), Paul Olsen (for whom I would definitely return to the 1980’s just to take his Black Literature class and attend his Pilgrimage of Poets), and Dr. Charmian Poe—the feared (in a good way) and beloved AP English teacher of my high school days. She profoundly changed my life. As did Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Hughes (English and Speech Team). And Mr. Fiske, Dr. Lambrecht, and the world’s best and most…

  • Uncategorized

    Advice for a Young Pastor / Seminarian (and a Delta luggage video too!)

    There’s just no way I could categorize this mish-mash! But all are HT: Challies and all are, I believe, worth your time. In different ways of course. What Would You Say to My Husband (a Young Seminarian) A fun video, especially if you fly a lot. (But if you do, then, like me, I assume you count it as a grave failure if you ever have to check a bag. 🙂 ) Thirty Minutes A Day Without Technology   Bible Reading Plans (I just printed out one for Sophia. She’s psyched.) Waking Up Fragile (usually after a lot of criticism) Communication Trends that will Impact Your Ministry