• Hope in Suffering

    Joy Cannot Co-Exist with Bitterness

    I had a long, hard–but good–day of work yesterday preparing to teach my, “Persevering with Grace when Our Leaders Let Us Down” workshop for a conference next month. It was extremely painful to listen to and re-read examples of people being so horribly hurt within the church–but also so encouraging and edifying to be reminded of their perseverance, even in the midst of extreme suffering. I’m still working to draw my material to a coherent whole (that builds to an “X” and hopefully clearly articulates and explains some God-exalting, biblically-faithful, helpful ideas). But in the interim, I wanted to share with you a few of my random notes: – One…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Psalm 55 Kind of Day

    I don’t know how your day is going, but I’m having a Psalm 55 kind of day around here. Are you familiar with Psalm 55? Have you ever been really hurt by someone that you used to respect and trust? Someone you called a friend and opened your heart to, only to be judged, condemned, and ultimately rejected by them? (And do you ever find that for reasons beyond your control you have to KEEP being hurt by them?) Well, if so, Psalm 55 is for YOU! Please grab your Bible and jump right into it all. Here are a few excerpts to get you started: “Give ear to my…

  • Redeeming Church Conflicts

    Avoid These Things When Counseling (??)

    Have you been following the discussion threads over at IX Marks on Jay Adam’s “When Counseling, Don’t …” list? I REALLY appreciate their ADDITIONS and their first NUANCE too. I’m looking forward to reading more nuances when they (hopefully) post them in the future. Hope you enjoy a blessed Tuesday!   Yours, Tara B.  

  • Uncategorized

    So that explains it …

    You probably don’t know that I have REALLY bad knees. I’ve had bad knees my entire life–even back when I was athletic and in shape. (Wow! Was I ever athletic and in shape? Seems like a zillion years ago.) Anyway … I’ve had multiple surgeries including two incredibly invasive, bone-cutting, re-aligning, the last step before total knee replacement surgeries. Sometimes the pain is manageable, sometimes I resort to heat and ice and old-man-bengay-rubs and any drugs I can take. But not when I’m pregnant, of course. So today I went and saw my knee surgeon to see if there was anything we can do for the next four and a…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Relational Testimony (HT: RZIM’s Slice of Infinity)

    Another classic from the only e-devotional I read Mon-Fri, RZIM’s Slice of Infinity: Relational Testimony (by L.T. Jeyachandran) Let me tempt you with just a snippet: “As an apologist, I am often engaged in conversations that involve the philosophical, theological, scientific, and historical reasons by which one could reasonably conclude that Jesus is exactly who he said he was–the eternal God now come in the flesh. But interestingly enough, Jesus tells us in John 13:34-35 that the final apologetic by which this world will recognize that he was sent by God is the demonstrable love-relationship that will be seen in the lives of his disciples. Why is it that the…

  • Uncategorized

    Missing One Laptop

    Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be missing my laptop for a few weeks (it’s being repaired) — so I’m hoping to stay on top of things blog-wise and email-wise, but it might be a little hard. In the interim, I’m using a really (REALLY!) old computer of ours–and I have to say, it’s pretty funny to see the mix of websites in my “favorites” since Fred dumped my current ones into my old ones. Life goes by so quickly, eh? I’m seeing lots of links to SCUBA shops we used to love, a consultant gig I no longer do, and a bank at which we…

  • Uncategorized

    Do Not Confuse Self-Examination and Paralyzing Self-Condemnation

    While I’m happily ensconced in the wilds of Georgia, serving at a retreat (with no wifi or cell coverage), here’s a little “posted in advance old-y but hopefully good-y” blog post for ya’: Is it REALLY Possible to CHANGE?! Let me tempt you to read it with just two excerpts (both quotes from Lane & Tripp’s, “How People Change”): “This life of self-examination and joyful discontent should not be confused with a life of paralyzing self-condemnation.” “God does not call us to self-loathing, but to a willingness to examine our lives in light of our hope as new creatures in Christ. That hope is not only based on the promise…

  • Uncategorized

    Lasantha Wickrematunga, the Media, and Courage

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the media–especially in the United States currently, but also throughout our country’s history, and the role of the media around the world. Like most topics, I’m quite ignorant in this area. But one thing I know for sure–the impact of the media is important. Terribly important. And the ruthless killing of Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickramatunga is just one horrific example. I know it’s off-topic from the normal gospel & relationships & peacemaking, etc. posts on this blog. But I encourage you to consider slowing down and taking a few minutes to read the editorial he wrote in anticipation of his murder. (He…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Magnanimity (HT: RZIM’s Margaret Manning)

    Wow! I just read my daily “Slice of Infinity” from Ravi Zacharias ministries and since it is perfectly on point to my most recent post, I encourage you to check it out: Magnanimmity Let me tempt you with just a brief excerpt: “… Acedia was considered one of the most serious of sins. It manifested itself in sloth or spiritual despair, but more significantly embodied the temptation to give up caring about anything truly important. Acedia led to spiritual impotence and smallness of heart. Spiritual impotence would allow vice to flourish and virtue to languish, not because vice was purposely chosen or intentionally entered into, but because spiritual lassitude desiccated…