• Relationships & Peacemaking

    Imperfect Shepherds

    At friend-prayer group this morning, I was reflecting on how blessed our family is to have pastors/church leaders who a) understand what the Bible says about their duties to shepherd their sheep; and b) try hard. Are they perfect? Nope. (And they would be the first ones to admit that, I am sure.) But they take their ordination vows seriously. And they work very hard. Plus? Sometimes they excel at shepherding by: – Counseling well: They know the Scripture and use it wisely to encourage, rebuke, exhort, and comfort – Loving well: taking the time to reach out and listen; demonstrating genuine care and concern – Living well: valiantly fighting…

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    Calvary Chapel East Anaheim

    Just a quick note to say hello to all of the wonderful (wonderful!) women I met this past weekend at Calvary Chapel East Anaheim! I was so honored to be with you all! And I typed in all 50+ of your orders on my two flights home Saturday night … so if I can get the resources from Peacemakers, I hope to have them all in the mail for you before I leave for my Canada event on Wednesday morning. THANKS for sharing your lives with me!   Sending you love– Tara B.  

  • Grace in Daily Life

    Sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way …

    Yesterday, as I waited to be picked up at the Orange County airport, I observed a number of situations (and intervened in a few) that got me thinking about just how often even the tiniest bit of encouragement to do the right thing can go SO far. Just one example: I’m sitting on a bench, looking for my ride. An elderly woman pulls up, opens her trunk, and begins to help another elderly woman with some apparently very heavy bags. (Yeah. Like I’m going to be able to sit there and WATCH that. My mother raised me better and my grandmother would roll over in her grave if I did.)…

  • Singleness & Marriage

    Guarding Your Time / 21 Blocks (HT: IX Marks)

    IX Marks linked to a great (and short!) DesiringGod article that is directed at church leadership, but relevant for everyone: How Can Pastors Guard Their Time with Their Families Listen to just a snipppet of Pastor Piper’s wisdom on this important topic: “A pastor needs to work with his leadership, either lay leadership or other pastors, to come up with some kind of plan like we did, so that you all have common expectations. You don’t want to feel guilty when somebody sees you out cutting your grass on Thursday afternoon at three o’clock or sees you at your kid’s soccer game at two and says, “Oh, I thought you…

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    Christless Christianity

    Michael Horton has a new book coming out and for a limited time you can get it for 1/2-off! The details (plus videos, audio files, endorsements, etc.) are at: Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church Dr. Horton is also going to be doing a live web chat with The Washington Post on October 31st. If you’re not familiar with his writings (or the amazing teaching ministry of The White Horse Inn), I encourage you to check them both out. They are definitely worth your time!   I’m going to pop over to Christless Christianity and order my copy now and then I’m off to California. Happy Thursday!…

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    New Covenant Seminary Sites

    Great news! TakeYourVitaminZ just posted that Covenant Seminary has launched a series of new sites that are (apparently) chock-full of great stuff. I haven’t yet had time to poke through all of the pages–more or less listen to all of the material–but I wanted to be sure to let you know: New Covenant Seminary Sites You know … I keep thinking that even if I never get to actually GO to seminary, I bet I could learn a TON just reading the books I already own and listening to the material from trustworthy sources that I can find online. If only I were diligent and not so prone to sloth,…

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    Today was the first day in a week that I didn’t wake up sick and then spend the next fifteen hours doing my best to fulfill my duties all while fighting a headache, fever, nausea, and clammy, dizzy exhaustion. All of that would’ve been unpleasant at home in my bed–but flying a family across a continent and then spending five days in theme parks, water parks, and teaching at this conference? Well. Let me just say that I was a blessed woman today to be able to walk around in daylight without the pain of a spike going through my eye and forehead. And wow! It’s a lot easier to…

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    Please pray.

    Today I learned of a prayer request from someone who is that new category in my life of, “haven’t had any contact with that person in 20 years but now we sort of overlap on Facebook” and I would appreciate it if you would please pray for him (Mark) and his family. Here is his request: “My stepson has a mental illness called schizo effective disorder. Late Saturday night while Kim and I were sleeping he took an overdose of Tylenol. We did not find out until it was too late. The enzyme levels in his liver are dangerously high. He may require a transplant if they cannot stop the…

  • Relationships & Peacemaking

    Calvinists & Controversy (HT: Ligon Duncan)

    Couldn’t get back to sleep after 3AM or so. Fred is restless with his fever/getting meds. And I have way too much swimming through my brain re: my workshops for next weekend. Mostly, I’m wondering WHY, O WHY I ever consented to teaching so many! A) I can’t believe I really have anything that interesting/helpful to say; and B) I’m old and tired! 🙂 Please remind me next year–if I receive the privilege of an opportunity to serve again–to only teach, you know, ONE workshop. Or maybe two. BUT NOT FIVE. Anyway … one of them is on relationships among women especially when we disagree on important topics–and around 5AM…