Hope in Suffering,  Relationships & Peacemaking,  Sin & Repentance

Never Succumb to the Temptation of Bitterness

Sophia and I had an interesting conversation tonight that meandered from famous people I have met (Maestro Barenboim, Hal Holbrook, and Vice-President Dan Quayle being on my list) to the United Stated Presidential Line of Succession (after her “what is a Vice-President?” question) … to the assassination of John F. Kennedy (and Lyndon Johnson being sworn in as President aboard Air Force One) … to other “where were you when …” defining moments in U.S. History (Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, President Reagan being shot, the Challenger exploding, 9/11).

The final arc brought me to this quote by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I thought I’d share it with you:

“Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.”

So wise! And so important for all of us as we navigate through life in this fallen world.

I’ll close with one more quote, this time from Nancy Leigh DeMoss (whose book on forgiveness is one that I heartily recommend and am often giving as gifts to people I love who are hurt/struggling with bitterness and unforgiveness):

“An evidence that our will has been broken is that we begin to thank God for that which once seemed so bitter, knowing that His will is good and that, in His time and in His way, He is able to make the most bitter waters sweet.”

Amen & Amen!

And sweet dreams to you all—

Your friend,
Tara B. 

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