Redeeming Church Conflicts,  Relationships & Peacemaking

When (Differently) Gifted Pastors Destroy the Church (Rather than Build it Up)

low res dave tara and rcc books

Desperate for some biblical hope (which means I was desperate for Christ!), I sat and re-read through page after page of Dave Edling’s wise and pithy words over on our Redeeming Church Conflicts site. What a feast for the soul! Nothing like Truth to reorient the ol’ heart attitudes.

This post is a particular favorite of mine, so I thought I’d re-share it here too:

When (Differently) Gifted Pastors Destroy the Church (Rather than Build it Up)

Dave’s observations as to the four main reasons why church conflicts often emerge due to the misuse of spiritual gifts is, I believe, spot-on. I hope that you will click through and read the entire post.

And I hope you will indulge me one more shameless plug, when I say that if you haven’t yet had a chance to glean from Dave’s wisdom in this beautifully-written book, today is a great day to pick up a copy:

  • The cost is WAY less than Amazon (even Amazon Prime) because …
  • The shipping is FREE in the USA; and
  • Fred just made me a snazzy new Resources Page/Bookstore, with all sorts of PayPal buttons and drop down menus, etc. etc. And honestly? We’d both love to see if it actually works. 🙂

So if your church or women’s ministry (or Christian school, public school, homeschool co-op, classical school—did I get them all?) … if you are ever in an organization that has conflict (which is ALL organizations, right?), consider Redeeming Church Conflicts as a tool to help you. I truly think it’ll be the best $10 you spend on this topic.

(Yes, yes, I know my name is on the front too but please just think of me as the helper who typed really quickly as Dave shared from his wealth of experience.)

I’ll give Nancy Guthrie the last word. In her gracious endorsement of Redeeming Church Conflicts, Nancy exactly described how I feel about everything I have ever learned from Dave: 

“This book delivers exactly what is needed in church conflict: a wealth of biblical wisdom, professional expertise, and a huge dose of hope.”

Amen! And thank you again, Cap’n Dave. It is a true honor to be even a small part of your ministry to Christians in conflicted churches through this resource. The Barthels send you and Pat all our love!

G’nite and God bless,
Tara B.