Redeeming Church Conflicts

Trailer for “Redeeming Church Conflicts”

We enjoyed many still photos on our videotaping day. Brooke Moore Photography always goes above and beyond the call to get the shot. We are thrilled with our new professional headshot photos:

And chuckling over some silly/poetic shots the photographer wanted to take …

But our favorites are the backstage pics. They really give you a sweet peek into our day. You’ll see Ken Sande working hard to prepare:

And the team gathering at the beginning of the day to pray:


May God be glorified! We did our best. Now we entrust our feeble efforts to the Lord—-may He use them for His glory and the building up of His Bride.

G’nite and God bless!
Dave Edling & Tara Barthel

If you like the trailer, please consider sharing it on your blog, FaceBook, Twitter account, etc. That would be a huge help to us as we are trying to get the word out. Thanks!