Relationships & Peacemaking

The Needs of Many …

I received this PeaceMeal from Peacemaker Ministries and thought that it might bless you too. So here it is!

The Needs of The Many Outweigh The Few

Even if a change in focus does not allow you to overlook every offense, it can often help you in two other ways. First, by recalling what is good in another person, you often will realize how much you will lose if your differences are not resolved. Many marriages, friendships, and business relationships are lost because people focus exclusively on a point of disagreement and forget about all that they have enjoyed in and with one another. Remembering the good may provide the motivation it takes to work through the painful differences that temporarily separate people.

Taken from The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande, Updated Edition (Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 2003) p. 89. Food for Thought

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.


One of my favorite scenes from the Star Trek movies involves Spock and Captain Kirk. As you would expect, it’s a crisis situation. Spock steps up to volunteer his life for the ship and its crew. When a grieved Kirk tries to talk him out of it, Spock replies: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.”

Think about that one for a moment – not as a stoic Vulcan, but as a passionate peacemaker. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one. How many times are we absolutely certain that the one point of disagreement needs to be defended to the death? Meanwhile, we forget the needs of the many others – the many other emotions or memories such as joy, love, friendship, and community. As Ken points out, we focus exclusively on a point, a one, and forget about all the others. And a win-lose scenario often becomes a lose-lose reality.

Occasionally, there may be a one that is a hill we are to die upon. Most of the time, the needs of the other aspects of our lives outweigh the few. Or the one. Jesus Christ originated that attitude light years before warp speed was even an option. The needs of the many (sinners, all of us) were considered worthy of the sacrifice of the One. Mercy prevailed and peace was made. Jesus truly showed us the way to live long and prosper.