
Thanks for the prayers!

Just a super quick note to let you know that we DID complete the videos yesterday and it was ALL by grace alone. (Ken and I were simply EXHAUSTED!! But he was SO FUNNY and passionate and sincere. And I did my best to, you know, sound reasonably coherent.)

At least they are done and that’s one less thing to think about.

AND we made it safely to Chicago tonight and so far, the family visit has gone OK (thank God!).

But Fred and I have been up since 4AM and we really need to crash now.

Hope your week wraps up well! Thanks in advance for your patience as I will be hard to reach via email and blog comment for the next few days. Greased-pig-chasing scrambles, parades, and family adventures are a callin’. 🙂


G’nite and God bless!

Tara B.